


发布时间:2024-10-14 浏览次数:0



所需材料:一、护照原件;二、白底证件照片 数码版(358*441像素 jpg格式,50-70kb大小);三、本人现住址及本人和亲属联系电话。

In order to do practical things and improve service level for our foreign teachers, after contacting relevant institutions and units, the Center of International Cooperation and Exchange plans to help foreign teachers to apply for the social insurance cards. Foreign teachers who have purchased the social insurance are requested to send and submit the following materials to Mr. Zhao at the Center of International Cooperation and Exchange (Room A201 of administrative building) by Oct. 17, 2024 (Thursday). After the procedures are completed, please wait for further notification regarding card collection.

Due to the long application process, to expedite the process, all foreign teachers are kindly requested to submit the required documents on time.

Documents Required :

1. Original passport

2. Digital version of a white background ID photo (358*441 pixels, JPG format, 50-70KB in size)

3. Current residential address and contact phone numbers for yourself and your family members.

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